Freezing Weather Precaution – Subsequent to testing a piping system, valves should be left in an open position to allow complete drainage. 结冰气候预防-检测管线系统后,阀门应该处于开启状态,做到排泄完全充分。
Efficacy Comparison of Vacuum-Assisted Tube Drainage and Open Drainage in Treatment of Infected Surgical Wound 真空试管负压引流与开放引流对感染切口的治疗效果比较
Construction Technology for Ultra Large Open Caisson in Redevelopment Work of Urban Drainage System 城市排水系统改造工程中的超大型沉井施工技术
After abscess forms, may cut open the drainage. 脓肿形成后,可切开引流。
If the work is to be done in the open, one should select a site with good drainage so that blood and water can drain away from the carcass. 如屠宰于露天进行,那么应选择一个带有良好下水管道的地点,这样会让血和水从肉尸上顺利流走。
Results: Dental pulp cavity seal could control the pain of the acute stage quickly and effectively it was wore salisfactory than open drainage. 结果:髓腔封闭可以快速有效地控制急性期疼痛及叩痛。
Elementary Discussion on Deep Well Dewatering in Construction of Open Caisson by "Drainage Sinking Method" 浅谈排水下沉法沉井施工中的深井降水
Application of pleural open drainage and retrograde pleural lavage in treating leakage of thoracic esophageal anastomosis 胸腔开放引流并逆行冲洗治疗食管癌术后胸内吻合口漏
If antibiotic therapy or repeated lavage ( rinsing out) does not help, surgery to open passages for drainage may be needed. 如抗生素治疗或反复行鼻腔灌洗无效,可能需手术治疗以打开吸入信道。
Open joint tile drainage pipe 不嵌接头缝的陶土排水管
Therefore the general construction process scheme is worked out as follows: open trench drainage, work site dried in the sun, conventional butt welding, and pipe laid down into trench. 经过调研和反复现场勘察,确定的总体施工方案为:挖明沟排水,作业带晾晒,正常组对焊接,沉管下沟。
Technical Amelioration of the Open Channel for Drainage in the Coal Yard or Ironmaking Plant 炼铁厂煤堆场排水明沟的技术改造
Objective To discuss the effect and the mechanism of treating the open glaucoma with non-penetrating trabeculectomy Combined with the implantation of drainage instrument with hydrophilic acrylic acid padding and to develop it. 目的探讨非穿透性小梁切除术联合亲水丙烯酸填充引流器植入治疗开角型青光眼的效果和降眼压的机制,开发一种国产生物胶植入引流器。
Postoperative biliary leakage occurred in 1 case because of an injury of the common hepatic duct by electrocauterization, which was cured by open surgery with T-tube drainage for 6 months. 1例灼伤肝总管致术后胆漏,经开腹置T管6个月治愈。
Method One hundred and twenty patients were randomly divided into three groups: group A with personal let-off urine, group B with timing let-off urine, and group C with open drainage. 方法采取随机分组法将120例病人分为三组,甲组采用个体化排尿方法,乙组采用定时排尿,丙组实行开放引流。
Open Pit Mine Slopes Drainage Through Horizontal Boreholes 用水平钻孔疏干露天矿边坡
Objective To compare the curative effects between open drainage following meticulous debridement and open drainage following limited debridement in hot and humid environment. 目的观察比较高温高湿环境猪肢体火器伤有限清创、开放引流术与彻底清创、开放引流术的疗效。
According to an instance of engineering, two current methods of open caisson subsiding including drainage subsidence and non-drainage subsidence were introduced. 根据施工案例介绍了沉井下沉的两种常用方法:排水下沉和不排水下沉。
Meanwhile it does light-well point pump water and open-drainage in foudation pit to preserve desiccation in construction process. 同时对基坑内进行轻型井点抽水和明排水,以保持施工作业过程的干燥。
Method: Open drainage and dental pulp cavity seal were adopted. 方法:采用开放引流、髓腔封闭二种方法。
Conclusions CT-guided percutaneous catheter drainage has the advantage of minimal invasive and simple technique; it can be as an effective substitute method of traditional open external drainage. 结论CT引导下经皮置管引流创伤小,操作相对简单,是传统开腹外引流术的有效替代方式。
In this paper on the basis of theory of unsteady flow in open channals the effective control area of drainage and tide-blocking sluice gates is analyzed. 本文结合浙江海涂垦区的具体条件,应用明渠不恒定流的基本理论和计算成果,分析了挡潮排水闸的适宜控制范围;
Calculation method of combining open channel and pipe drainage for controlling concurrent waterlogging and water table rising 涝渍兼治的明暗组合排水计算方法探讨
Among 6 PA patients, four patients underwent tube drainage by percutaneous puncture and consequential open surgery due to poor drainage, 2 patients underwent open drainage, all were cured. 6例PA患者,4例行经皮穿刺抽吸置管引流,后因引流不畅中转开腹,2例直接行脓肿切开引流,6例患者均痊愈出院。
This paper presents some results of the underground pipe and open channel drainage experiments of the saline and acid rice field in the coast area. 该文阐述了滨海咸酸稻田暗管排水和明沟排水试验的概况。
The Experiment Study on Treating Dog's Open Colonic Wound Soaked by Seawater with Primary Operation of Drainage by Double Tubes Through Anus in Wet and Hot Environment 湿热环境一期经肛吻合口双管引流术治疗犬结肠开放性海水浸泡伤的实验研究
Through open the peritoneal cavity, explored the cholecyst and installed the fistula to perform open biliary drainage, it was monitored during the operation, too. OBD组通过暴露腹腔,探寻胆囊,安置瘘管等操作来完成并也对手术全程进行监护。
Test group sphincter longitudinal line transverse joint operation; control group anal fissure excision, incision and the sphincter is not special treatment, open drainage. 试验组行内括约肌纵切横缝术;对照组行肛裂切除术,切口及括约肌不予特殊处理,敞开引流。
Comparison of the effects of the two kinds of surgery on the stress hepatic and renal function, open biliary drainage had the greater effects. 比较两组手术对机体应激和肝肾功能的影响,开腹手术影响较大。所有绵羊胆汁采集效果良好。
The same time 200 patients were randomly selected to perform open common bile duct exploration and T-tube drainage for case-control study. 同期抽取200例开腹胆管探查T管引流病例做对照组。